webcenter 도메인에 webcenter_년도_NN_webcenter_metrics.dat 파일 생성

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WebCenter Portal이 실행되는 domain  폴더에 

webcenter_2013_NN_webcenter_metrics.dat.같은 파일이 지속적으로 생성 된다 

default가 생성 되게 되어 있다

이와 같은 파일이 생성되지 않게 하기 위해서는 portal 인스턴스 스타트 스크립트의 JVM 옵션을 추가해 주어야 한다


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아래는 오라클 공식문서 내용 입니다.

How To Remove Metrics .Dat Files In WebCenter Domain Home (Doc ID 1605100.1)

In this Document




Applies to:

Oracle WebCenter Portal - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

There are many metrics .dat files located in the WebCenter domain home directory (/oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain) that look like:
What are these files for, and is it harmful to remove these metrics files?
How to stop them from being created?
How to store them in a different location?
These metrics .dat files are used for internal usage metrics only. They have limited usage for diagnosis. While it's preferable to keep them, there should be no harm to the application to disable collection of the files via jvm startup parameter, then delete the files:
JVM parameter -D enableMetricCollection-false (true is set by default)
1. Once disabled, restart the managed server.  This should stop the files from being created.
2. Before making changes, it would be advisable to make a backup of the files.

3. At this point the files can be deleted.

There is currently no configuration to store the files in an alternate location.  The following enhancement request (ER) is being considered for this:

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